Forestry Awards

Recognising and celebrating excellence amongst the skilled workforce of our region.

The Canterbury West Coast Wood Council Forestry Awards provides a collective voice for the forestry and wood sector in Canterbury and the West Coast of the South Island. The next Awards night is to be celebrated on 2 August 2024.

CWCWC Awards 2024 – Key Dates 

Nominations Open             1st April 2024
Nominations Close             7th July 2024
Judging                                 8th July – 21st July 2024
Tickets RSVP                        19th July 2024
Awards Dinner                     2nd August 2024

The key objectives in having these awards are to benefit the region’s forestry industry in several exciting ways, namely:

We encourage businesses within the industry to become involved in this exciting event. It is important that we all share the vision to recognise skilled professionals, applaud them and create a desire to continue to lift the profile of forestry in the Canterbury and West Coast region.

  • To attract skilled employees to the region as valued forest industry players
  • To up skill and lift the standard of the skill base of the forestry workforce
  • To provide an opportunity for the CWCWC’s forest industry to celebrate its skilled professionals
  • To unite industry players
  • To create a healthy and challenging competition amongst the industry


These categories cover the full supply chain from silviculture to logging, road civil engineering and then to truck drivers, port marshalling and stevedoring. Some will be very specific to a sector of the industry but the general ones are available to anyone.

Business Innovation

Forestry Excellence

Harvesting Excellence

Distribution Excellence

Wood Processing Excellence

Crew of the Year

Emerging Talent of the Year

Outstanding Health & Safety Management

Outstanding Environmental Management

Outstanding Contribution to the Forestry Industry

Meet the Judges

John Hawkins

I have been in the Timber Industry my whole life and experienced many changes within the industry. I have been chairperson of NZ Timber Export, president of the Timber Federation and involved with numerous organization within the industry. I am looking forward to being involved in the Canterbury West Coast Wood Council Awards for 2024.

Mark Grover

I’m the recently retired General Manager of Operations for Rayonier Matariki Forests NZ. I’ve spent most of my 48 years of my Forestry career in the Canterbury Region along with a recent 5 year stint in the Southland /Otago region. Over that time, I’ve worked for the NZ Forest Service, The Forestry Corporation, Carter Holt Harvey Forests and for the past 18 years in management roles with Rayonier Matariki. I’m looking forward to joining the judging panel for the 2024 CWCWC Awards having been very impressed with the inaugural awards in 2022.

Dr Elizabeth Heeg

Chief Executive of the New Zealand Forest Owners Association

Elizabeth has a strong background in forest systems and the regulatory and policy frameworks supporting them, including climate, biodiversity and water policy. Elizabeth has worked for MPI, DoC and the QEII Trust.

She is passionate about forestry’s role in the bioeconomy and the potential for forests to provide social, environmental and economic benefits.

“I’m looking forward to participating in the 2024 CWCWC Awards to recognise the awesome people involved in the forest industry in Canterbury and the West Coast and the great work they do.”
– Elizabeth Heeg

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